
【賀】工程學院電機工程系賴文政老師指導碩電二謝向陽同學參加「2024 IEEE第六屆歐亞生物醫學工程會議」榮獲最佳會議論文獎!

最後更新日期 : 2024-09-12

賀!工程學院電機工程系賴文政老師指導碩電二謝向陽同學參加「2024 IEEE第六屆歐亞生物醫學工程會議」榮獲最佳會議論文獎!

競賽說明/Competition Description

 最佳會議論文獎從IEEE第六屆歐亞生物醫學工程會議,醫療保健和永續發 展(IEEE ECBIOS 2024)的優秀論文中選出。IEEE ECBIOS 2024委員會選出 會議上提交的約30%的論文頒發該獎項,會議論文集將提交至IEEE Xplore®數位圖書館(EI索引)。其他工程領域的論文將被審查並提交 給Engineering Proceedings(由Scopus索引,ISSN:2673-4591)。為了 保持會議論文的高品質,全文的英文必須足夠好。如果論文未通過程序委 員會的審核程序,會議將要求作者發送全文進行英文編輯。 The Best Paper Award will be selected from the outstanding papers presented at the IEEE 6th Eurasia Conference on Bi-omedical Engineering, Healthcare, and Sustainability (IEEE ECBIOS 2024). Approximately 30% of the papers submitted to the conference will be awarded this distinction by the IEEE ECBIOS 2024 Committee. The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library (in-dexed by EI). Papers from other engineering fields will be reviewed and submitted to Engineering Proceedings (indexed by Scopus, ISSN: 2673-4591). To maintain the high quality of the conference papers, the full text must be written in sufficiently good English. If a paper does not pass the review process by the Program Committee, The conference will request the author(s) to submit the full text for English editing.


學生獲獎感言/Student Award Acceptance Speech

 感謝指導教授與研究團隊提出 "整數 N 頻率合成器和 Sigma-delta具有減 少雜訊響應 EMI 的調製器," 由於運算、網路技術、大數據和人工智慧的 進步,醫療保健正在經歷全行業的轉型。醫療保健不僅從被動的、以醫院 為中心轉變為預防性和個人化,也從以疾病為中心轉變為以福祉為中 心。醫療保健系統以及基礎醫學研究正在變得更加智慧並在生物醫學工程 中實現。此外,借助尖端的傳感器和電腦技術,醫療保健服務還可以提高 效率、提高品質和降低成本。 I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor and re-search team for proposing the work on "Integer N Frequency Synthesizer and Sigma-Delta Modulator with Reduced EMI Noise Response." Due to advancements in computing, net-working technology, big data, and artificial intelligence, healthcare is undergoing a transformation across the en-tire industry. Healthcare is shifting from a passive, hos-pital-centered approach to a preventive and personalized model, and from a disease-centered focus to one centered on well-being. Healthcare systems and fundamental medical research are becoming increasingly intelligent and inte-grated into biomedical engineering. Moreover, with the aid of cutting-edge sensors and computer technology, healthcare services can improve efficiency, enhance quali-ty, and reduce costs.
